Felix Salten: A Preliminary Bibliography of His Works in Translation
Felix Salten: Eine vorläufige Bibliographie der Übersetzungen seiner Werke
Compiled by || Hergestellt von
Dr. Markus Lång

This preliminary bibliography aims to list for the first time all translations of Felix Salten’s (1869–1945) books into other languages as well as illustrations. Salten wrote in German. Under every title, translated languages are listed in chronological order. Reprints and radically abridged editions (often by The Walt Disney Company) are usually excluded, but new illustrations, or the removal of illustrations, deserve a mention. Stage play translations that exist only as typescripts and separate essay translations are not listed at the moment. For a listing of such items in English language, see Beverley Driver Eddy’s biography Felix Salten: Man of Many Faces (2010), pp. 384–385.
The bibliography is divided into three sections: 1. Authored works, 2. Edited works and 3. Presumed works. The bibliography also has two adjacent documents:
This bibliography is not yet complete. Books that have illustrations but haven’t been translated are not included at the moment. If you notice an error or can add a translation or an illustration, please contact < mlang@mlang.name >. Especially Asian editions are missing at the moment.
Diese vorläufige Bibliographie wünscht es, alle Übersetzungen der Werke von Felix Salten (1869–1945) zum erstenmal zu katalogisieren. Die Bibliographie ist noch unvollständig, und Ihre Hilfe ist wertvoll.
1. Authored works
1903. Die kleine Veronika: Novelle. Berlin, Fischer, 1903. (144 pages.)
- Dutch 1922. De kleine Veronika. Vert. door Alice van Nahuijs. Amsterdam, Van Holkema & Warendorf, 1922. (158 pages.)
- Hungarian 1946. Veronka kedves. Ford. Kondor László. Budapest, Halász, sine anno. (160 pages.)
1909α. Künstlerfrauen: Ein Zyklus kleiner Romane. München–Leipzig, Müller, 1909. (155 pages.)
- Hungarian 1911. Művészek feleségei. Fordította Rózsa Géza. Budapest, Lampel, sine anno. (63 pages.)
1909β. Das österreichische Antlitz: Essays. Berlin, Fischer, 1909. (275 pages.)
- Russian 2017. Das österreichische Antlitz: Erzählungen = Австрийское лицо: Рассказы → Avstrijskoe lico: Rasskazy.
Ins Russische übertragen von Irina Berman. (Bilingual selection German–Russian.) Wien, Verlagshaus Pereprava, 2017. (105 pages.) ISBN 978-3-9503914-3-5
1910. Olga Frohgemuth: Erzählung. Berlin, S. Fischer, 1910. (144 pages.)
- Russian 1911. Ольга Фрогемутъ →
Ol′ga Frogemut″. Per. s″ něm. E. K. Ryvkind″. S.-Peterburg″, 1911. (164 pages.) || cover || title page
- Hungarian 1918. Frohgemuth Olga: Egy színészno regénye. Ford. Pajzs Elemér. Békéscsaba, Tevan, 1918. (147 pages.)
- Dutch 1922. Olga Welgemoed. Uit het Duitsch vert. door Alice van Nahuijs. Amsterdam, Van Holkema & Warendorf, 1922. (190 pages.)
1915. Die klingende Schelle: Roman. Berlin–Wien, Ullstein, 1915. (406 pages.)
- Polish 1929. Jerzy Erbacher: Powieść. [Translated by Janina Hirszbergowa.] Warszawa, Bibljoteka Groszowa, 1929. (226 pages.)
1923α. Bambi: Eine Lebensgeschichte aus dem Walde. [Illustrated initial letter to each chapter.] Berlin, Ullstein, 1923. (186 pages.) || cover
1940. Bambi: Eine Lebensgeschichte aus dem Walde. Mit 118 Federzeichnungen von Hans Bertle. Zürich, Albert Müller, 1940. (192 pages.)
1946. Bambi: Eine Lebensgeschichte aus dem Walde. Mit 8 farbigen Tafeln nach Walter Linsenmaier. Zürich, Albert Müller, 1946. (144 pages.)
1962. Bambi: Eine Lebensgeschichte aus dem Walde. Illustriert von Elly Miltner. Wien, Buchgemeinschaft Jung-Donauland, 1962. (183 pages.)
1972. Bambi: Eine Lebensgeschichte aus dem Walde. Bambis Kinder: Eine Familie im Walde. Illustrationen und Schutzumschlag von Hans K. Stöckl. Wien, Buchgemeinschaft Donauland, 1972. (330 pages.)
2018. Bambi: Eine Lebensgeschichte aus dem Walde. Illustriert von Markus Lefrançois. München, Knesebeck GmbH, 2018. (200 pages.) ISBN 978-3-95728-031-2
- English 1928. Bambi: A Life in the Woods. Translated from the German by Whittaker Chambers with a foreword by John Galsworthy. Illustrations by Kurt Wiese. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1928. (293 pages.)
- 1950. Bambi. Translated by Whittaker Chambers. Illustrated by Girard Goodenow. Garden City (N.Y.), Junior Deluxe Editions, 1956. (190 pages.)
- 1970. Bambi: A Life in the Woods. Translated by Whittaker Chambers. Illustrated by Barbara Cooney. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1970. (190 pages.) ISBN 0-671-65136-6
- 1976. Bambi: A Life in the Woods. Translated from the German by Whittaker Chambers. Illustrated by Maurice Wilson. Leicester, Knight Books, 1976. (222 pages.) ISBN 0-340-02466-6
- 1992. Bambi: A Life in the Woods. Translated by Whittaker Chambers. Illustrated by Michael J. Woods. Foreword by John Galsworthy. New York, Simon & Schuster, 1992. (158 pages.) ISBN 0-671-73937-9
- 2013. Bambi: A Life in the Woods. Translated by Whittaker Chambers. Illustrated by Richard Cowdrey. New York, Aladdin, 2013. (262 pages.) ISBN 978-1-4424-6746-0
- 2014. Bambi: A Life in the Woods. Translated by Whittaker Chambers. Illustrated by Steve Johnson and Lou Fancher. New York, Atheneum Books, 2014. (192 pages.) ISBN 978-1-4424-9345-2
- 2019. Bambi. Translated by Hannah Correll. New York, Clydesdale Press, 2019. (281 pages.) ISBN 978-1-949846-05-8
- 2022α. The Original Bambi: The Story of a Life in the Forest. Translated and introduced by Jack Zipes. Illustrated by Alenka Sottler. Princeton (N. J.), Princeton Press, 2022. (192 pages.) ISBN 978-0-691-19774-6
- 2022β. Bambi. Translated by Damion Searls. Afterword by Paul Reitter. New York, NYRB Classics, 2022. (152 pages.) ISBN 978-1-68137-631-8
- French 1929. Bambi le chevreuil: Une vie dans les bois. Roman traduit de l’allemand par Henri Bloch. Dessins de Henri Camus. Paris, Stock, Delamain et Boutelleau, 1929. (198 pages.)
- 1956. Bambi le chevreuil. Illustrations de Henry Blanc d’après le film de Walt Disney. Paris, Hachette, 1956. (188 pages.)
- 1979. Bambi, le chevreuil. Illustrations de Pierre Probst. Paris, Hachette, 1979. (187 pages.) ISBN 2-01-003229-2
- 2016. Bambi: L’histoire d’une vie dans les bois. Traduit de l’allemand par N. Waquet. Préface de Maxime Rovere. Paris, Rivages, 2016. (256 pages.) ISBN 978-2-7436-3647-0
- 2017. Bambi le chevreuil. Traduit par Henri Bloch. Illustré par Nathalie Lété. Paris, Cerunnos, 2017. (208 pages.) ISBN 978-2-37495-031-0
- Hungarian 1929. Bambi: Regény. Forditotta: Fenyő László. Budapest, Pantheon-Kiadás, 1929. (250 pages.)
- 1965. Bambi. Ford.: Fenyő László. A kezdodíszeket rajzolta Urai Erika. Budapest, Móra Könyvkiadó, 1965. (191 pages.)
- 1957. Bambi: Erdei lettörténet. Ford.: György Ferenc. Szávai Edith rajzaival. Budapest, Móra Ferenc Könyvkiadó, 1957. (240 pages.)
- 1971. Bambi. Ford.: Fenyő László. Mirko Hanák rajzaival. Bratislava, Mladé Letá, 1971. (179 pages.)
- 1974. Bambi. Bambi gyermekei. Ford. Fenyő László, György Ferenc. Bardócz Lajos rajzaival. Bukarest, Kriterion Könyvkiadó, 1974. (377 pages.)
- 1994. Bambi. Fenyő László fordítása. Az ill. Szecskó Péter munkája. Budapest, Móra, 1994. (145 pages.) ISBN 963-11-7167-1
- 2013. Bambi: Erdei történet. Nádori Lídia fordítása. Budapest, Móra, 2015. (140 pages.) ISBN 978-963-11-9386-2
- Swedish 1929. Bambi: En levnadshistoria från skogen. Förord av John Galsworthy. Översättning av Elsa Nilsson. [Illustrated by Kurt Wiese?] Stockholm, Natur och Kultur, 1929. (224 pages.)
- 1976. Bambi. Översättning: Eva Larsson. Illustrationer: Hans Bertle. Stockholm, Wahlström, 1976. (156 pages.) ISBN 91-32-11512-1
- Danish 1930. Bambi. Oversat af Paul Læssøe Müller. Med illustrationer af Kurt Wiese. København, Jespersen og Pio, 1930. (202 pages.)
- Yiddish 1930. באמבי: וואלד-מעשהלע → Bambi: Ṿald-mayśele. [Translated by Leivick Hodes. Prefaces by Schalom Asch and John Galsworthy.] Ṿarshe, Ḳultur-Lige, 1930. (193 pages.) || full text
- Polish 1937. Bambi: Opowieść leśna. Przeł. Marceli Tarnowski. [Illustrated by Charlie alias Karol Ferster.] Kraków, Księgarnia Powszechna, 1937. (318 pages.)
- 1987. Bambi: Opowieść leśna. Przeł. Marceli Tarnowski. Il. Mirosław Pokora. Warszawa, Alfa, 1987. (159 pages.)
- Hebrew 1941. במבי → Bambi. [Translated by Ben-Jiśrāʾēl Haddānij. Foreword by John Galsworthy.] Masada, Bialik Institute, 1941. (84 pages.) || cover
- 1977. במבי :סיפור חיים ביער → Vmv: sfvr chm v'r. [Paintings by Maurice Wilson. Translated from German Zvi Arad.] Tel-Aviv-Yafo, Am Oved, 1977. (142 pages.)
- Romanian 1942. Bambi: Povestea unui pui de căprioară. Traducere de Zamfira Dimitrescu. [Unknown illustrator.] Adeverul, 1942. (122 pages.)
- 1990. Bembi: Povestea pădurii. Tălmăcire de Nina Ischimji. Prezentare grafică: B. Şinciuk, N. Niconova. Chișinău, Ed. Hyperion, 1990. (158 pages.) ISBN 5-368-00626-6 [err.]
- 1992. Bambi: Povestea unui pui de căprioară. Traducere de Irina Alina Pricop. Ilustrator: Carmen Oghină. Bucureşti, Retromond, 1992. (80 pages.) ISBN 973-9089-04-6
- 1994. Bambi: Povestea unui pui de căprioară. Traducere de Victor Dima. Desen Horia Ţigănuş. Bucureşti, Omniapres, 1994. (128 pages.) ISBN 973-0-00095-6
- 1997. Bambi: O poveste a vieţii din pădure. Traducere din limba germană Emerich Barfus. Ilustrator: Done Stan. Bucureşti, Rao, 1997. (251 pages.) ISBN 973-576-136-X
- Spanish 1943. Bambi. [Translated by Cayetano Romano. Foreword by John Galsworthy.] Buenos Aires, Espasa-Calpe Argentina, sine anno. (178 pages.)
- 1985. Bambi: Historia de una vida del bosque. Prólogo John Galsworthy. Traducción María Dolores Abalos; apéndice Emilio Pascual. Ilustración Esperanza Sánchez. Madrid, Ediciones Generales Anaya, 1985. (207 pages.) ISBN 84-7525-304-0
- Dutch 1949. Bambi. In het Nederlandsch overgebracht door Henk Cornelissen. Tekeningen van Hans Bertle. Den Haag, Zuid-Hollandsche Uitgeversmij, 1949. (177 pages.)
- 1987. Bambi. Bambi’s kinderen. Perry: De geschiedenis van een eekhoorntje. Vijftien hazen: Wel en wee van een hazenfamilie. [Joint edition.] Vert. en bew. uit het Duits door Johan de Winter; ill. Hans Bertle. Houten, Kadmos, 1987. (444 pages.) ISBN 90-6790-115-6
- 2020. Bambi: Een leven in het woud. Vertaling uit het Duits door Jet Quadekker. Illustraties Benjamin Lacombe. Hasselt, Clavis, 2020. (180 pages.) ISBN 978-90-448-4100-8
- Portuguese 1949. Bambi. Trad. de Herbert Caro. Il. de Hans Bertle. São Paulo, Ed. Melhoramentos, 1949. (119 pages.)
- 1971. Bambi. Tradução de Aguiar Macedo. Ilustração Hans Bertle. São Paulo, Tecnoprint, 1971. (172 pages.)
- 2015. Bambi. Tradução Christine Röhrig. Ilustrações Nino Cais. São Paulo, Cosac & Naify, 2015. (224 pages.) ISBN 978-85-405-0976-4
- 2019. Bambi: A história de uma vida na floresta. Tradução de Petê Rissatti. [Illustrated.] São Caetano do Sul, Editora Wish, 2019. (237 pages.) ISBN 978-85-675-6623-8
- Irish 1950. Bambi. Mícheál Ó Cléirigh, d’aistrigh ón nGearmáini. Baile Átha Cliath, Oifig an tSoláthair, 1950. (213 pages.)
- Serbocroatian 1951. Bambi. S nem. preveo Milorad Marčetić. Il. Dušan Ristić. Beograd: Dečja Kńiga, 1951. (147 pages.)
- 1952. Bambi: Jedan život u šumi. Preveo Dragutin Perković. Il. Fedor Vaić. Zagreb, Matica hrvatska, 1952. (156 pages.)
- 1963. Bambi. Preveo Milorad Marčetić. Il. Đorđe Milanović. Beograd, Mlado Pokoleńe, 1963. (151 pages.)
- 1964. Bambi: Jedan život u šumi. Preveo Dragutin Perković. Izd. ćirilicom priredila Vera Lebović. Il. Slavko Barlović. Zagreb, Mladost, 1964. (138 pages.)
- Finnish 1954. Bambi: Tarina metsästä. Suomentanut Sirkka Reinilä. Kuvittanut Hans Bertle. Porvoo, WSOY, 1954. (170 pages.) || cover
- 2023α. Bambi. Suomentanut Kaisa Ranta. [Unillustrated.] Helsinki, Art House, 2023. (178 pages.) ISBN 978-951-884-923-3
- 2023β. Bambi. Suomenkielinen selkomukautus Tuomas Kilpi. [Unillustrated.] Helsinki, Oppian, 2023. (140 pages.) ISBN 978-951-877-852-6
- NOTE: This edition is in Simple Finnish.
- Japanese 1957. Bambi: Mori no seikatsu no monogatari. Takahashi Kenji yaku. Tōkyō, Iwanami Shoten, 1957. (257 pages.)
- 1959. バンビ → Banbi. Tanimura Machiko yaku. [Illustrated.] Tōkyō, Chūō Shuppan-sha, 1959. (226 pages.)
- Russian 1957. Бемби: Лесная сказка →
Bembi: Lesnaâ skazka. Pereskaz s nem. Ûriâ Nagibina. Risunki G. Nikol′skogo. Moskva, Gos. Izd. deckoj literatury Ministerstva prosveščeniâ RSFSR, 1957. (179 pages.)
- 1958. Bembi: Lesnaâ skazka. Pereskaz s nem. Ûriâ Nagibina. Hudož. H. A. Avrutis. Novosibirsk, Novosibirskoe knižnoe izdatel′stvo, 1958. (157 pages.)
- 1993α. Бемби: Повесть-сказка →
Bembi: Povest-skazka. Perevël Vladimira Letučij. Illûstratsii Ivana Tyrdanova. Moskva, Vserossijskoje bûro propagandy hudožestvennoi literatury SP RF, 1993. (126 pages.) ISBN 5-690-00015-9
- 1993β. Bembi. Pereskaz c nemeckogo Û. Nagibina. Hudožnik Stanislav Morozov. Moskva, Moskovskaâ meždunarodskaâ škola perevodčikov, 1993. (168 pages.) ISBN 5-8234-0011-X
- NOTE: The volume also includes works by Wilhelm Hauff (Холодное сердце) and H. C. Andersen (Снежная Королева)
- 1999. Bembi: Lesnaâ skazka. Pereskaz s nem. Ûriâ Nagibina. Illjustratsii A. M. Zvereva. Moskva, Detskaja literatura, 1999. (684 pages.) ISBN 5-08-003712-1
- NOTE: The volume also includes works by Jack London (Белый клык: Повесть & Рассказы) and by E. T. Seton (Рассказы о животных).
- 2001. Bembi: Lesnaâ skazka. Pereskaz s nem. Ûriâ Nagibina. Risunki V. Bastrykina. Moskva, Deckaja Literatura, 2001. (190 pages.) ISBN 5-08-003990-6
- 2002. Бемби. Дети Бемби. Жили-были пятнадцать зайцев. Белочка Перри → Bembi. Deti Bembi. Žili-byli pâtnadcat′ zajcev. Beločka Perri. [Joint issue.] Per. s nem. Vladimira Letučergo. Il. Galiny Zolotovskoi. Moskva, Èksmo, 2002. (557 pages.) ISBN 5-04-008735-7
- 2007. Bembi. Tekst E. V. Nedorezova. Il. M. Mitrofanova. Moskva, Èksmo, 2007. (115 pages.) ISBN 978-5-699-22306-0
- Italian 1958. Bambi: La vita di un capriolo. Trad. dall’orig. tedesco di Giacomo Prampolini. Ill. di A. Frigerio. Milano, Garzanti, 1958. (111 pages.)
- 2016. Bambi: Storia di una vita nel bosco. Trad. di R. Magnaghi. Illustratore Gianluca Garofalo. Milano, Piemme. (256 pages.) ISBN 978-88-566-5247-5
- Lithuanian 1958. Bembis: Miško apysaka. Vertė A. Ronkus. Il. Šarlio. Vilnius, Valstybinė grožinės literatūros Leidykla, 1958. (149 pages.)
- 1983. Bembis. Bembio vaikai: Apysakos. Iš vokiecių kalbos vertė Antanas Ronkus ir Anastazija Kašinskaitė. Il. Vytautas Bakšys. Vilnius, VAGA, 1983. (334 pages.)
- 2013. Bembis. Bembio vaikai: Apysakos. Iš vokiecių kalbos vertė Antanas Ronkus ir Anastazija Kašinskaitė. Iliustravo Inga Marčiukaitytė-Ereminienė. Vilnius, Alma littera, 2013. (413 pages.) ISBN 978-9955-38-303-1
- Hindi 1959. Bāmbī. Kā hindi rūpāntar. Kiśor Garg. Dillī, Rānī Prakāśan, 1959. (80 pages.)
- Albanian 1960. Bambi. E përktheu: Eqrem Çabeu. Tiranë, N. sh. botimeve Naim Frashëri, 1960. (116 pages.)
- 1967. Bambi. E përktheu Eqrem Çabeu. Il. në tekst i punoi Miomir Zubiq. Prishtinë, Rilindja, 1967. (138 pages.)
- Afrikaans 1965. Bambi: ’n verhaal van die woud. Vert. vam die verkorte Duitse uitg. deur Leila Nienaber. Tekeninge deur Hans Bertle. Stellenbosch, Kosmo-Uitgewery, 1965. (116 pages.)
- NOTE: Possibly abridged version.
- 1977. Bambi: ’n lewensverhaal uit die woud. Afrikaans deur Suzanne van Reene. Kaapstad, Human & Rousseau, 1977. (160 pages.) ISBN 0-7981-0524-0
- Estonian 1965. Bambi: Metsalugu. Tõlkinud Eno Raud. Illustreerinud V. [Väino?] Tõnisson. Tallinn, Kirjastus Eesti Raamat, 1965. (149 pages.)
- Bulgarian 1966. Бамби: Повест за един живот в гората → Bambi: Povest za edin život v gorata. Prevela ot nemski Vanja Krăsteva. Chudožnik Boris Angelušev. Sofija, Narodna Kultura, 1966. (194 pages.)
- 1996. Бамби. Роман за деца → Bambi: Roman za deca. Prevela ot nemski Vanja Krăsteva. Chudožnik G. Nikolski. Sofiâ, IK Pan, 1996. (190 pages.) ISBN 965-657-088-5
- Norwegian 1966. Bambi. Til norsk ved Halldis Moren Vesaas. Ill. ved Reidar Johan Berle. Oslo, Det Norske Samlaget, 1966. (110 pages.)
- Slovak 1966. Bambi: Rozprávka z lesa. Z nem. orig. prel. Elena Chmelová. Il. Mirko Hanák. Bratislava, Mladé Letá, 1966. (161 pages.)
- Kirghiz 1967. Bembi: Tokoj žomogu. Kotorgon Bekbosun Orozaliev. [Unillustrated?] Frunze, Mektep Basmasy, 1976. (195 pages.)
- Latvian 1968. Bembijs: Meža pasaka. Tulkojusi Ērika Lūse. Il. G. Ņikoļskis. Rīga, Izdevniecība Liesma, 1968. (144 pages.)
- Ukrainian 1986. Бембі: Лісова казка → Bembi: Lisova kazka. [Translated by. O. Žuravel. Illustrated by G. Glikman.] Kyiv, Veselka, 1986. (127 pages.)
- 2006α. Bembi: Lisova kazka. [Translated by Vasyl′ P. Syčevskyj. Illustrated by V. I. Baryba.] Kyiv, A.C.K., 2006. (80 pages.) ISBN 966-31-9136-8
- 2006β. Бембі: Повість-казка → Bembi: Povist-kazka. [Translated by I. Baidačna. Illustrated by Maksym Mytrofanov.] Kyiv, Kraïna Mrij, 2006 (120 pages.) ISBN 966-876-168-5
- Macedonian 1990. Bambi. Prevod od germanski Slavko Zdravkovski. Skopje, Detska Radost, 1990. (131 pages.)
- 2000. Bambi. Prevod od germanski Slavko Zdravkovski. Ilustracii Daniela Andonova. Skopje, Detska Radost, 2000 (222 pages.) ISBN 9989-30-565-X
- Serbian 2003. Бамби: Један живот у шуми → Bambi: Jedan život u šumi. Preveo Dragutin Perković. Ilustracije Slavko Tepavčvić. Beograd, S&Z, 2003. (134 pages.) ISBN 86-84119-01-0
- 2015. Bambi: Jedan život u šumi. Prevodilac Ružica Propadalo. Beograd, 3D+, 2015. (Cyrillic script. 159 pages.) ISBN 978-86-6367-042-6
- 2016. Bambi: Jedan život u šumi. S nemačkog preveo Dragan M. Stojanović. Beograd, Draslan, 207. (Cyrillic script. 148 pages.) ISBN 978-86-6475-024-0
- 2017. Bambi. Preveo Milorad Marčetić. Beograd, Bookland, 2017. (Latin script. 158 pages.) ISBN 978-86-7182-635-8
- Croatian 2006. Bambi: Jedan život u šumi. Preveo s njemackoga Dragutin Perković. Ilustrirala Pika Vončina. Zagreb, Znanje, 2006. (143 pages.) ISBN 953-6473-49-6
- Mongolian 2013. Бэмби ба ойн амьдрал → Bembi ba ojn amdral. [Translated by D. Ojuuntjimeg. Illustrated?] Ulaanbaatar, Höh devter, 2013. (294 pages.) ISBN 978-9996-221-36-1
1923β. Der Hund von Florenz. Herz-Verlag, Wien, 1923. (186 pages.) || cover
- English 1930. The Hound of Florence: A Novel. Translated by Huntley Paterson. Illustrated by Kurt Wiese. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1930. (237 pages.) || cover
- 2014. The Hound of Florence: A Novel. Translated by Huntley Paterson. Illustrated by Richard Cowdrey. New York, Aladdin, 2014. ISBN 978-1-4424-8749-9
- NOTE: Both Paterson editions use alternate ending, authenticity questionable.
- French 1952. Le chien de Florence. Traduit de l’allemand par Maurice Muller-Straus. Bruxelles, Éditions de la Paix, 1952.
- Finnish 2016. Koiramme Firenzessä: Kertomus. Suomennos Markus Lång. Books on Demand GmbH, Helsinki, 2016. (162 pages.) ISBN 978-952-286-532-8 || cover || sample
- NOTE: This edition presents also the 1930/2014 American ending with an afterword.
1925. Neue Menschen auf alter Erde: Eine Palästinafahrt. Wien, Paul Zsolnay Verlag, 1925. (280 pages.) || cover || full text
- Finnish 2016. Uusia uurtajia vanhassa maassa: Matkalla Palestiinassa. Suomennos Markus Lång. Books on Demand GmbH, Helsinki, 2016. (235 pages.) ISBN 978-952-286-532-8 || sample
1927. Martin Overbeck: Der Roman eines reichen jungen Mannes. Wien, Paul Zsolnay Verlag, 1927. (293 pages.)
- Estonian 1927. Martin Overbeck: Ühe rikka noormehe romaan. Tallinn, 1927. (74 pages.)
- NOTE: This edition may only contain an extract.
- Romanian 1930. Fecior de bani gata: Roman social. Traducere de Tr. Rovineanu. București: Adeverul, ca. 1930. (235 pages.)
1928. Simson: Das Schicksal eines Erwählten. Roman. Wien, Paul Zsolnay Verlag, 1928. (223 pages.)
- English 1931. Samson and Delilah, a Novel. Translated by Whittaker Chambers. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1931. (192 pages.)
- Hebrew 1980. שמשון: גורלו של איש בחירה → Šmšwn: ḡwrlw šl š ḇḥrh. [Translated by Jacob Gottschalk.] Tel Aviv: Library workers, 1980. (175 pages.)
1929. Fünfzehn Hasen: Schicksale in Wald und Feld. Wien, Paul Zsolnay Verlag, 1929. (199 pages.)
1938. Fünfzehn Hasen: Schicksale in Wald und Feld. Mit zahlreichen Federzeichnungen von Hans Bertle. Zürich, Albert Müller, 1938. (191 pages.) || cover || title page
- English 1930. Fifteen Rabbits. Translated by Whittaker Chambers. New York, Simon Schuster, 1930. (211 pages.)
- NOTE: Chapter numbering introduced.
- 1942. Fifteen Rabbits. Translated by Whittaker Chambers. Illustrated by Kurt Wiese. New York, Grosset & Dunlap, 1942. (158 pages?)
- 1943. Fifteen Rabbits. Translated by Whittaker Chambers. Illustrated by Sheila Dunn. London, Commodore Press. 1943. (192 pages.)
- 1976. Fifteen Rabbits: A Celebration of Life. Translated by Whittaker Chambers. Illustrated by John Freas. New York, Delacorte Press, 1976. (231 pages.) ISBN 0-440-02563-X
- 2015. Fifteen Rabbits. Translated by Whittaker Chambers. [Unillustrated.] New York, Aladdin, 2015. (256 pages.) ISBN 978-1-4424-8755-0
- Polish 1938. Piętnaście zajęcy: Opowieść leśna. Przeł. Marceli Tarnowski. [Illustrated by Charlie alias Karol Ferster.] Kraków, Księg. Powszechna, 1938. (279 pages.)
- Hungarian 1943. Tizenöt nyulacska: Sorsok erdőn, mezőn. Kassai Zoltán fordítása. A tollrajzokat Hans Bertle készítette. Budapest, Griff Könyvkiadó, 1943. (212 pages?)
- 1947. Amiről az erdő mesél. Ford. Kassai Zoltán. A borítólap Hámori György munkája. Budapest, Magyar Téka, sine anno. (147 pages.)
- 1992. Hopsz és társa. Kassai Zoltán ford. felhasználásával átdolgozta Dibás Gabriella. Budapest, Gulliver, 1992. (89 pages.) ISBN 963-7447-52-0
- French 1944. Hops le lièvre. Traduction de Monique Yersin. Dessins à la plume de Hans Bertle. Neuchâtel–Paris, Delachaux & Niestlé, 1944. (176 pages.)
- Swedish 1944. Hops: Berättelse för ungdom om en unghare. Bemyndigad översättning från tyska av Thérèse Ericsson. Med talrika pennteckningar av Hans Bertle. Wahlströms Djurböcker för ungdom, 36. Stockholm, B. Wahlström, 1944. (189 pages.) || cover || title page
- NOTE: Paragraph division slightly altered, some illustrations of dead animals excluded.
- Spanish 1945. Historia de quince liebres. Traducción de A. de Ocampo. Barcelona, Edic. del Zodiaco, 1945. (220 pages.)
- Hebrew 1946–1947. ט"ו ארנבות: ספור לילדים →
15 ʾarnabot: Sippūr lijlādim. Tirgēm: J. Fišman. Ṣijjūrim: J. Štern. Jerūšālajim, Hōṣāʾat Qirjat Sēfer, 707. (131 pages.)
- Portuguese 1956. As quinze lebres. Trad. de Clemente Schröder. Il. de Hans Bertle. São Paulo, Ed. Melhoramentos, 1956. (148 pages.)
- Italian 1961. I quindici leprotti. Traduzione dall’orig. tedesco di Maria Grazia Pizzoni. Illustrazioni di Remo Berselli. Milano, Garzanti, 1961. (143 pages.)
- Dutch 1976. Vijftien hazen: Wel en wee van een hazenfamilie. Vert. uit het Duits door H. C. E. de Wit-Boonacker. Met 66 pentek. van Hans Bertle. Baarn, Hollandia, 1976. (152 pages.) ISBN 90-6045-933-4
- 1987. Bambi. Bambi’s kinderen. Perry: De geschiedenis van een eekhoorntje. Vijftien hazen: Wel en wee van een hazenfamilie. [Joint edition.] Vert. en bew. uit het Duits door Johan de Winter; ill. Hans Bertle. Houten, Kadmos, 1987. (444 pages.) ISBN 90-6790-115-6
- Russian 1996. Жили-были пятнадцать зайцев → Žili-byli pâtnadcat′ zajcev: Roman-skazka. Per. s. nem. V. Letyčnij. Hudož. V. Dolgov. Moskva, Èksmo, 1996. (165 pages.) ISBN 5-900487-15-6
- 2002. Bembi. Deti Bembi. Žili-byli pâtnadcat′ zajcev. Beločka Perri. [Joint issue.] Per. s nem. Vladimira Letučergo. Il. Galiny Zolotovskoi. Moskva, Èksmo, 2002. (557 pages.) ISBN 5-04-008735-7
- Finnish 2019. Viisitoista jänöä: Kohtaloita metsässä ja vainioilla. Kuvittanut Hans Bertle. Suomennos Markus Lång. Helsinki, Books on Demand, 2019. (160 pages.) ISBN 978-952-80-1952-7 || cover || sample
1930α. Gute Gesellschaft: Erlebnisse mit Tieren. Wien, Paul Zsolnay Verlag, 1930. (195 pages.)
1943. Gute Gesellschaft: Begebenheiten mit Tieren. Mit 15 ganzseitigen Federzeichnungen von W. E. Baer. Zürich, Albert Müller, 1943. (206 pages.)
- English 1942. Good comrades. Translated by Paul R. Milton. Illustrated by Bob Kuhn. Indianapolis, The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1942. (251 pages.)
- Hungarian 1944. Jó pajtások: Történetek állatokról, erdőről, mezőről. [Translated by Zoltán Kassai. Illustrated by W. E. Baer.] Budapest, Griff, 1944. (295 pages.)
- French 1948. Le Monde des bêtes. Traduction de Cécile Bourquin. 14 dessins à la plume de W. E. Baer. Neuchâtel–Paris, Delachaux & Niestlé, 1948. (172 pages.)
- Portuguese 1951. Em boa companhia. Trad. de Igaleo. Il. de W. E. Baer. São Paulo, Ed. Melhoramentos, sine anno. (155 pages.)
1930β. Teppiche: Allen Freunden dieser unentbehrlichen Gewebe. Wien, Emanuel Fischer, 1930. (47 pages.)
- Hungarian 1930. A szőnyeg: Egy és más a szőnyegekről, e nélkülözhetetlen iparcikk minden barátjának ajánlva. Ford. Herczeg Géza. Ill. Fischer Emanuel. Wien, Fischer, 1930. (55 pages.)
1931α. Freunde aus aller Welt: Roman eines Zoologischen Gartens. Mit 16 Tiefdruckbildern. Wien, Paul Zsolnay Verlag, 1931. (247 pages.)
1944. Freunde aus aller Welt: Roman eines zoologischen Gartens. Mit 55 Federzeichnungen von Philipp Arlen. Zürich, Albert Müller, 1944. (208 pages.)
- English 1932. The City Jungle. Translated by Whittaker Chambers. Illustrated by Kurt Wiese. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1932. (262 pages.)
- 1947. The City Jungle. Translated by Whittaker Chambers. Illustrated by Peter Kneebone. London, Pilot Press, 1947. (191 pages.)
- 2014. The City Jungle. Translated by Whittaker Chambers. [Unillustrated.] New York, Aladdin, 2014. (276 pages.) ISBN 978-1-4424-8752-9
- Polish 1939 Przyjaciele z wszystkich części świata: Opowieść z ogrodu zoologicznego. [Translation by Elesta alias Ela Steinbergowa.] Warszawa, Księgarnia Popularna, sine anno. (225 pages.)
- Spanish 1944. La novela de un parque zoológico. Trad. de Luis Vives. [Illustrated by Piedad Fornesa de Homs.] Barcelona, Ed. del Zodíaco, 1944. (252 pages.)
- Swedish 1945. Vilda och vänliga djur: Roman om en zoologisk trädgård. Med 48 pennteckningar av Philipp Arlen. Översättning av Thérèse Ericsson. Stockholm, Natur och kultur, 1945. (145 pages.)
- French 1946. Bêtes captives. Traduction de Monique Yersin. Nombreux dessins à la plume Philippe Arlen. Neuchâtel–Paris, Delachaux & Niestlé, 1946. (172 pages.)
- Portuguese 1952. Amigos de todo o mundo: Romance de um jardim Zoológico. Traducão de G. Thomsen. Ilustração Philipp Arlen. São Paulo, Melhoramentos, 1952. (172 pages.)
- Turkish 1968. Dünyanın Dört Bucağından Dostlar: Bir hayvanat bahçesinin romanı. Almanca ashndan Burhan Arpad tarafindan dilimize çevrilmiştir. Istanbul, Doğan Kardeş Matbaacihk Sanayii A. Ş., 1968. (222 pages.)
1931β. Fünf Minuten Amerika. Wien, Paul Zsolnay Verlag, 1931. (256 pages.) || cover
- Romanian 1941. America în cinci minute. București, Editura Scrisul Românesc, 1941. (162 pages.) || cover || contents
- Finnish 2016. Amerikka viidessä minuutissa. Suomennos Markus Lång. Books on Demand GmbH, Helsinki, 2016. (216 pages.) ISBN 978-952-330-567-0 || cover || errata || sample
1933. Florian: Das Pferd des Kaisers. Roman. Wien, Paul Zsolnay Verlag, 1933. (330 pages.) || cover
1942. Florian: Das Pferd des Kaisers. [Gekürzte Ausgabe.] Mit 106 Federzeichnungen von Philipp Arlen. Rüschlikon–Zürich, Albert Müller Verlag, 1942. (204 pages.) || cover
- NOTE: The 1942 edition has the text heavily abridged — approximately ⅓ is missing, like Bosco’s amorous escapades with the bitch Prittie and the disastrous visit of Nicholas II to Vienna, which are left out altogether. The book does not mention that it is abridged. Some later translations are made from the 1942 abridged text.
- English 1934α. Florian: An Emperor’s Horse. Translated from the German by Norman Gullick. London, Jonathan Cape, 1934. (287 pages.)
- NOTE: Later (1963) published with the title Florian the Lipizzaner. — This rendering is inaccurate in places, with altered paragraph divisions and small omissions.
- 1934β. Florian: The Emperor’s Stallion. Translated by Erich Posselt and Michel Kraike. Indianapolis, The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1934. (343 pages.) || cover || title page
- NOTE: This edition has chapter numbering added.
- Hungarian 1936. Flórián. Forditotta Sőtér Gyuláné. Budapest, Franklin-Társulat Kiadása, sine anno. (270 pages.)
- Portuguese 1940. Flórian: O cavalo do imperador. Trad. de Leonor de Aguiar. Ilustrações de Philipp Arlen. São Paulo, Ed. Melhoramentos, ca. 1940. (142 pages.) || cover
- NOTE: This translation may be abridged.
- Swedish 1943. Florian: Kejsarens favorithäst. Översättning av Ingegerd von Tell. Stockholm, Natur och Kultur, 1943. (228 pages.)
- French 1946. Florian: Le cheval de l’empereur. Traduction de Monique Yersin. Avec 106 dessins à la plume de Philippe Arlen. Neuchâtel–Paris, Delachaux & Niestlé, 1946. (191 pages.) || cover || title page
- NOTE: This translation uses the 1942 abridged text.
- Italian 1951. Florian, il cavallo dell’Imperatore. Traduzione dal testo orig. tedesco da Marialuisa Musa Penna. Milano, Baldini & Castoldi, 1951. (213 pages.)
- Dutch 1956. Florian: Het paard van de keizer. Geautoriseerde vertaling van Nora S. Tack. Illustratieve verzorging van Philipp Arlen. Den Haag, Stok, ca. 1956. (177 pages.) || cover || title page
- NOTE: This translation uses the 1942 abridged text.
- Spanish 1958. Florián: El caballo del Emperador. Ilustraciones. Traducida por Bernie Wienner. Madrid, El Elefanto Blanco, ca. 1958. (252 pages.)
- Japanese 1971. Shiri uma Furōrian. Funaki Shirō bun. Shiba Michiyo e. Tōkyō, Nihon Shobō, 1971. (176 pages.)
- Finnish 2021. Florian, keisarin hevonen: Romaani. Kuvittanut Philipp Arlen. Suomennos Markus Lång. Helsinki, Books on Demand, 2021. (222 pages.) ISBN 978-952-80-4318-8 || front cover || backcover
- NOTE: This edition combines the full text from 1933 and illustrations from the 1942 abridged edition.
1938. Die Jugend des Eichhörnchens Perri. Mit 30 bildern nach originalen von L. H. Jungnickel. Wien, Paul Zsolnay Verlag, 1938. (270 pages.) || title page || verso of title page
1942. Die Jugend des Eichhörnchens Perri. Mit 40 Federzeichnungen von Hans Bertle. Rüschlikon–Zürich, Albert Müller Verlag, 1942. (187 pages.) || cover || title page
- NOTE: The 1938 German-language edition of 5,500 copies by Paul Zsolnay Verlag (Vienna) was confiscated and destroyed before publication. Copies of it are extremely rare and only one is known to exist for sure. (Unfortunately the photocopies from the Library of Congress were cut during transportation. The book itself is intact.)
- English 1938α. Perri: The Youth of a Squirrel. Translated by Barrows Mussey. With a foreword by Donald Culross Peattie. Drawings by Ludwig Heinrich Jungnickel. Indianapolis, The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1938. (228 pages.)
- 1938β. Perri: The Youth of a Squirrel. [Translated by Barrows Mussey.] With an introduction by Beverley Nichols. [Drawings by Ludwig Heinrich Jungnickel.] London, Jonathan Cape, 1938. (215 pages.) || cover || title page || verso of title page
- NOTE: This translation is somewhat abridged: phrases, sentences and short paragraphs have been left out, especially sensual and violent matter; throughout, short paragraphs have been combined into one, altering the flow and the tone of the text. Chapter numbering introduced.
- 2015. Perri: The Youth of a Squirrel. Translated by Barrows Mussey. [Unillustrated.] New York, Aladdin, 2015. (256 pages.) ISBN 978-1-4424-8762-8
- Hungarian 1938. Perri: Egy mókus regénye. Ford. Dormándi László. [Illustrated by L. H Jungnickel.] Budapest, Pantheon, 1938. (230 pages.)
- 1990. Perri. Ford. Dormándi László. Szecskó Ágnes rajz. Budapest, Móra, 1990. (90 pages.) ISBN 963-11-6636-8
- Polish 1938. Perri: Opowieść leśna. Przeł. Marceli Tarnowski. [Illustrated by Ludwig Heinrich Jungnickel.] Kraków–Warszawa, Księgarnia Powszechna, 1938. (319 pages.)
- Danish 1939. Perri: Historien om et Egerns Ungdom. Illustrationer af L. H. Jungnickel. Aut. Overs. ved William Jensen. København, Jespersen og Pio, 1939. (216 pages.)
- Swedish 1940α. Ekorren Perris ungdom. Översättning av Hilda Holmberg. [Illustrated by Ludwig Heinrich Jungnickel.] Stockholm, Natur och kultur, 1940. (252 pages.)
- Swedish 1940β. Ekorren Perris ungdom. Översättningen är utförd av Hilda Holmberg. [Illustrated by Ludwig Heinrich Jungnickel.] Helsingfors [Helsinki], Holger Schildts Förlag, 1940. (252 pages.) || cover || title page || verso of title page || illustration sample
- NOTE: This translation was published jointly in Finland and in Sweden; both editions were printed in Sweden. — The illustrations are in a completely different order than in the English-language publication; mostly they have no connection whatsoever with the surrounding text but they seem to be placed all at randon.
- French 1943. Perri, l’écureuil. Traduction de Jacqueline Des Gouttes avec nombreux dessins à la plume de Jean Bertle. Neuchâtel, Éditions Delachaux & Niestlé, 1943. (182 pages.)
- 1958. Perri l’écureuil. Texte français de Jacqueline Des Gouttes. Illustrations de Henry Blanc, d’après le film de Walt Disney. Paris, Hachette, 1958. (191 pages.)
- Slovak 1947. Mladost vevericky Perri. Preložila: Ada Kuzmány-Bruothová. Ilustrácie: Hanuš Bertle. Liptovskom Sv. Mikuláši, Tranoscius, 1947. (176 pages.)
- Portuguese 1948 Perri, o jovem esquilo. Traducão de Leonor de Aguiar. Ilus. de Hans Bertle. São Paulo, Edições Melhoramentos, sine anno. (142 pages.)
- Italian 1950. Perri: Vita di uno scoiattolo. Traduzione dal tedesco di Agnese Silvestri Giorgi. [Illustrations by Grisetti?] Milano, Baldini & Castoldi, 1950. (223 pages.)
- Dutch 1952. Perri: De geschiedenis van een eekhoorntje. Geautoriseerde vert. van Henk Cornelissen. Tek. van Hans Bertle. Den Haag, Stok, 1952. (157 pages.)
- 1987. Bambi. Bambi’s kinderen. Perri: De geschiedenis van een eekhoorntje. Vijftien hazen: Wel en wee van een hazenfamilie. [Joint edition.] Vert. en bew. uit het Duits door Johan de Winter. Ill. Hans Bertle. Houten, Kadmos, 1987. (444 pages.) ISBN 90-6790-115-6
- Japanese 1972. Ko-risu Perī. Tōkyō, Nihon Shobō, 1972.
- Russian 2002. Bembi. Deti Bembi. Žili-byli pâtnadcat′ zajcev. Beločka Perri. [Joint issue.] Per. s nem. Vladimira Letučergo. Il. Galiny Zolotovskoi. Moskva, Èksmo, 2002. (557 pages.) ISBN 5-04-008735-7
- Slovene 2018. Prigode veverice Peri. Prevod in priredba: Jakob Rado Vouk. Ilustracije: Hans Bertle. Ljubljana, Ara Založba, 2018. (219 pages.) ISBN 978-961-6861-76-2
- Finnish 2024. Pieni orava Perri. Kuvittanut Hans Bertle. Suomennos Markus Lång. Helsinki, Lukunoja, 2024. (173 pages.) ISBN 978-952-69990-6-7 || cover
1939. Bambis Kinder: Eine Familie im Walde. Mit 18 ganzzeitigen Federzeichnungen von Hans Bertle. Rüschlikon–Zürich, Albert Müller Verlag, 1940. (264 pages.) || cover
1972. Bambi: Eine Lebensgeschichte aus dem Walde. Bambis Kinder: Eine Familie im Walde. Illustrationen und Schutzumschlag von Hans K. Stöckl. Wien, Buchgemeinschaft Donauland, 1972. (330 pages.)
- English 1939. Bambi’s Children: The Story of a Forest Family. Translation by Barthold Flies, edited by R. Sugden Tilley. Illustrated by Erna Pinner. New York, Grosset & Dunlap, 1939. (315 pages.) || cover || comparison
- 2014. Bambi’s Children: The Story of a Forest Family. Translation by Barthold Fles, edited by R. Sudgen Tilley. Illustrated by Richard Cowdrey. New York, Aladdin, 2014. (361 pages.) ISBN 978-1-4424-8746-8
- NOTE: Both editions thoroughly rewritten, changed story, chapter numbering introduced.
- Hungarian 1940. Bambi gyermekei: történet az erdorol és lakóiról. Ford. Juhász Vilmos. Erna Pinner képeivel. Budapest, Pantheon, 1940. (267 pages.)
- 1968. Bambi gyermekei. Ford. György Ferenc. Ill. Mirko Hanák. Budapest, Móra Kiadó, 1968. (281 pages.)
- 1974. Bambi. Bambi gyermekei. [Joint issue.] Ford. Fenyő László, György Ferenc. Ill. Bardócz Lajos. Bukarest, Kriterion, 1974. (377 pages.)
- 1992. Bambi gyermekei. Stark Ferenc fordítása. Ill. Szecskó Péter. Budapest, Móra, 1992. (249 pages.) ISBN 963-11-7032-2
- 1997. Bambi gyermekei. Ford.: György Ferenc. [Unillustrated?] Budapest, Holló és Társa, 1997. (239 pages.) ISBN 963-8380-66-7
- Spanish 1943. Los hijos de Bambi: Historia de una familia del bosque. Traductor Cayetano Romano. Buenos Aires, Espasa-Calpe, 1943. (200 pages.)
- Italian 1944. Mormorio nel bosco: Romanzo. Traduzione dal testo tedesco da Giuseppina Ripamonti Perego. Milano, Baldini & Castoldi, 1944. (284 pages.)
- Portuguese 1945. Os filhos de Bambi. Trad. de Igaleo. Ilustrações de Hans Bertle. São Paulo, Edições Melhoramentos, 1945. (210 pages.)
- French 1946. Les Enfants de Bambi. Traduction de Monique Yersin. Nombreux dessins à la plume de Jean Bertle. Neuchâtel–Paris, Éditions Delachaux et Niestlé, 1946. (252 pages.)
- 1959. Les Enfants de Bambi. Texte français de Monique Naves-Yersin. Imagé par Jeanne Hives d’après Walt Disney. Paris, Hachette, 1959. (192 pages.)
- 1977. Les Enfants de Bambi. Texte français de Monique Naves-Yersin. Illustrations de Jacques Fromont. Paris, Hachette, 1977. (190 pages.) ISBN 2-01-004016-3
- Slovak 1947. Bambiho rodinka: Príhody z lesa. Prekladatelka z nemciny Emília Horanská; upravovatel Dušan Šulc. Ilustrácie Vincent Hložník. Turciansky Sv. Martin, Matica slovenská, 1947. (252 pages.)
- 1968. Bambiho rodinka. Z nem. orig. prel. Emília Horanská. Barev. il. Mirko Hanák. Bratislava, Mladé letá, 1968. (281 pages.)
- Dutch 1950. Bambi’s kinderen. In het Nederlandsch overgebracht door Henk Cornelissen. Geïllustreerd met de originele tekeningen van de Zwitserse kunstenaar Hans Bertle. Den Haag, Zuid-Hollandsche uitgeversmij, 1950. (235 pages.)
- 1987. Bambi. Bambi’s kinderen. Perry: De geschiedenis van een eekhoorntje. Vijftien hazen: Wel en wee van een hazenfamilie. [Joint edition.] Vert. en bew. uit het Duits door Johan de Winter; ill. Hans Bertle. Houten, Kadmos, 1987. (444 pages.) ISBN 90-6790-115-6
- Serbocroatian 1968. Bambijeva djeca: Jedna obitelj u šumi. Preveo Dragutin Perkovič. Il. Branko Vujanović. Zagreb, Mladost, 1968. (208 pages.)
- Swedish 1977. Bambis barn. Översättning: Ingalill Behre. Illustrationer: Hans Bertle. B. Wahlströms Bokförlag, Falun, 1977. (158 sidor.) ISBN 91-32-11620-9 || cover || comparison
- NOTE: Radically shortened, chapter numbering introduced.
- Lithuanian 1983. Bembis. Bembio vaikai: Apysakos. Iš vokiecių kalbos vertė Antanas Ronkus ir Anastazija Kašinskaitė. Il. Vytautas Bakšys. Vilnius, VAGA, 1983. (334 pages.)
- 2013. Bembis. Bembio vaikai: Apysakos. Iš vokiecių kalbos vertė Antanas Ronkus ir Anastazija Kašinskaitė. Iliustravo Inga Marčiukaitytė-Ereminienė. Vilnius, Alma littera, 2013. (413 pages.) ISBN 978-9955-38-303-1
- Russian 2000. Дети Бемби: Роман-сказка → Deti Bembi: Roman-skazka. Per. s nem. Vladimira Letučergo. Illûstracii na pereplëte T. Lucenko; illûstracii na cvetnyh vklejkah i zastavki S. Kim. Moskva, AST, 2000. (223 pages.) ISBN 5-17-003502-0
- 2002. Bembi. Deti Bembi. Žili-byli pâtnadcat′ zajcev. Beločka Perri. [Joint issue.] Per. s nem. Vladimira Letučergo. Il. Galiny Zolotovskoi. Moskva, Èksmo, 2002. (557 pages.) ISBN 5-04-008735-7
- Finnish 2016α. Bambin lapset: Perhe metsän siimeksessä. [Unillustrated.] Suomennos Markus Lång. Books on Demand GmbH, Helsinki, 2016. (266 pages.) ISBN 978-952-330-747-6 || cover
- 2016β. Bambin lapset: Perhe metsän siimeksessä. [Second, illustrated edition.] Kuvittanut Hans Bertle. Suomennos Markus Lång. Books on Demand GmbH, Helsinki, 2016. (284 pages.) ISBN 978-952-339-356-1 || sample
1940. Renni der Retter: Das Leben eines Kriegshundes. Mit 18 Federzeichnungen von Philipp Arlen. Rüschlikon–Zürich, Albert Müller Verlag, 1941. (235 pages.) || cover
- English 1940. Renni the Rescuer: A Dog of the Battlefield. Translation by Kenneth C. Kaufman. Drawings by Diana Thorne. Indianapolis, The Bobbs-Merril Company, 1940. (326 pages.)
- 1945. Renni the Rescuer: A Dog of the Battlefield. Translation by Kenneth C. Kaufman. Illustrations by Sheila Dunn. London, Transatlantic Arts Co., 1945. (192 pages.)
- 2013. Renni the Rescuer: A Dog of the Battlefield. Translated by Kenneth C. Kaufman. [Unillustrated.] New York, Aladdin, 2013. (384 pages.) ISBN 978-1-4424-8274-6
- NOTE: All Kaufman renderings contain sequences removed from the German text after the English translation was finished.
- Hungarian 1941. Renni: Egy szanitéckutya története. Fordította Juhász Vilmos. [Illustrated?] Budapest, Pantheon, 1941. (296 pages.)
- French 1943. Renni, chien de guerre. Traduction de Monique Yersin avec 18 dessins à la plume de Philippe Arlen. Neuchâtel, Éditions Delachaux & Niestlé, 1943. (226 pages.)
- Spanish 1943. Renni “El Salvador”: Un perro en el campo de batalla. Traductor Cayetano Romano. Buenos Aires, Espasa-Calpe, 1943. (231 pages.)
- Swedish 1944. Renni räddaren. Översättningen är utförd av Karin Friberg. Med illustrationer av Philipp Arlen. Stockholm, Natur och kultur, 1944. (236 pages.) || cover || title page || verso of title page
- Portuguese 1947. Renni, história de um cão de guerra. Tradução de Huberto Schoenfeldt. [Illustrated?] São Paulo Edições Melhoramentos, sine anno. (144 pages.)
- Slovak 1947. Záchrana Renni: Život vojenského psa. Preložil Jozef Lúcanský. Ilustrácie F. Arlen. Liptovskom Sv. Mikuláši, Tranoscius, 1947.
- Finnish 2016. Renni pelastaa! Sotakoiran elämä. Kuvittanut Philipp Arlen. Suomennos Markus Lång. Helsinki, Books on Demand, 2016. (217 pages.) ISBN 978-952-339-286-1 || sample
1942. Kleine Welt für sich: Eine Geschichte von freien und dienenden Geschöpfen. Mit 41 Federzeichnungen von Otto Betschmann. Rüschlikon–Zürich, Albert Müller Verlag, 1944. (208 pages.)
- English 1942. A Forest World. English text by Paul R. Milton and Sanford Jerome Greenburger. Illustrated by Bob Kuhn. Indianapolis, The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1942. (274 pages.)
- 1947. Little World Apart. [Illustrated.] London, Pilot Press, 1947. (230 pages.)
- 2013. A Forest World. Translation by Paul R. Milton and Sanford Jerome Greenburger. [Unillustrated.] New York, Aladdin, 2013. (282 pages.) ISBN 978-1-4424-8638-6
- French 1946. Tambo et ses amis. Traduction de Gabriel Junod. 41 dessins à la plume de Otto Betschmann. Neuchâtel, Éditions Delachaux & Niestlé, 1946. (186 pages.)
- Portuguese 1951. Pequeno mundo para si. São Paulo, Melhoramentos, 1951.
- Dutch 1954. Wondere kleine wereld: Een geschiedenis van vrije en dienende schepselen. Geautoriseerde vertaling van Henk Cornelissen. Illustraties van Otto Betschmann. Den Haag, Ad. M. C. Stok, 1954. (200 pages.)
1945α. Djibi, das Kätzchen. Mit zwanzig Federzeichnungen von Walter Linsenmaier. Rüschlikon–Zürich, Albert Müller Verlag, 1945. (143 pages.) || cover || sample
- English 1946. Djibi, the Kitten. Translated by Raya Levin. Illustrated by Walter Linsenmaier. London, Transatlantic Arts, 1946. (113 pages.)
- 1948. Jibby the Cat. Illustrated by Fritz Kredel. New York: Julian Messner, 1948. (177 pages.) || cover || sample
- NOTE: Thoroughly rewritten, expanded, changed story; chapter division and chapter titles introduced.
- 2016. Djibi. Translated by Raya Levin. [Unillustrated.] New York, Aladdin, 2016. (192 pages.) ISBN 978-1-4424-8765-9
- French 1946. Djibi, le petit chat. Traduction de Jacqueline Des Gouttes. Vingt dessins à la plume de Walter Linsenmaier. Neuchâtel, Delachaux & Niestlé, 1946. (167 pages.)
- Portuguese 1950. Djibi a gatinha. Tradução de Igaleo. Ilustração Walter Linsenmaier. São Paulo, Edições Melhoramentos, sine anno. (113 pages.)
- Swedish 1974. Djibi den lilla katten. Från tyskan av Edward Brehmer. Illustrerad av Walter Linsenmaier. Malmö, Berghs Förlag, 1974. (144 pages.) ISBN 91-502-0016-X
- NOTE: Slightly abridged, includes only part of the illustrations.
- Finnish 2016. Kissanpentu Djibi. Suomennos Markus Lång. [Unillustrated.] Helsinki: Books on Demand. (120 pages.) ISBN 978-952-339-378-3 || sample
2. Edited works
1945β. [Not published in German language?]
- English 1945. Fairy Tales from Near and Far. Selected and retold by Felix Salten. Illustrated by Elice Johnson. Translation by Clara Stillman. New York, Philosophical Library, 1945. (141 pages.)
- Hungarian 1948. Legszebb mesék. Ford. Palotai Boris. Róna Emy rajzaival. Budapest, Athanaeum, 1948. (130 pages.)
3. Presumed works
1906. Josefine Mutzenbacher oder Die Geschichte einer Wienerischen Dirne von ihr selbst erzählt. Wien, Privatdruck, 1906. (383 pages.) || full text
- NOTE: This book was published privately and anonymously in Vienna. It was banned in Austria, 1913–1971. Originally the book was attributed to Felix Salten or Arthur Schnitzler. Currently it is presumed to be written by Salten. Also a stylometrical analysis from 2022 indicates that the most probable author is Salten. However, the two anonymous sequels to this novel are not ascribed to Salten and are not mentioned here, unless included in joint editions. – This edition is unillustrated, but the copy of the Austrian National Library has anonymous full-page drawings from a 1922 edition bound into it. (A critical, annotated edition was published in 2021.)
- English 1931α. Memoirs of Josefine Mutzenbacher: The Story of a Viennese Prostitute. Translated from the German and Privately Printed. Paris [Obelisk Press?], 1931. (291 pages.) || title page
- NOTE: This translation is abridged and poor quality. Chapter division altered.
- 1931β. Memoirs of Josefine Mutzenbacher. Illustrated by Mahlon Blaine. Paris [i.e. New York], 1931. (192 pages.)
- NOTE: This 1931 edition is pirated from the Paris edition, similarly abridged and low quality.
- 1966. Memoirs of Josephine Mutzenbacher. Translated [i.e., edited and introduced] by Paul J. Gillette. Los Angeles, Holloway House, 1966. (316 pages.) || cover
- NOTE: This is another pirated version from the 1931 Paris edition. The text is heavily edited by Gillette.
- 1967α. The Memoirs of Josephine Mutzenbacher: The Intimate Confessions of a Courtesan. Translated by Rudolf Schleifer [Hilary E. Holt]. Introduction by Hilary E. Holt, Ph.D. North Hollywood, Brandon House 1967. (334 pages.)
- NOTE: A rather inaccurate, rewritten translation with inauthentic textual expansions. Chapter division altered and chapter titles introduced. The translation is missing the publisher’s introduction.
- 1967β. Memoirs of Josephine M. Complete and unexpurgated. Continental Classics Erotica Book, 113. New York, Continental Classics, 1967. (192 pages.) || cover
- NOTE: Character names and setting changed (to Paris). The protagonist is “Josephine Mauraux.”
- 1973. Oh! Oh! Josephine: Volume One. [Illustrated with photo-stills from the 1970 German movie.] London, King’s Road Publishing, 1973. (190 pages.) ISBN 0-284-98498-1 || front cover || back cover
- NOTE: Paperback in two volumes, the second of which (188 pages) is actually a translation of Meine 365 Liebhaber (but this is not mentioned in the book). Chapter division altered. Although the back cover boasts this edition to be “uncensored and uncut,” it is incomplete and censored (e.g., references to anal intercourse are obfuscated, and the three last pages of the novel are missing), ridden by errors and mistakes.
- 2013. A Viennese Prostitute. By Josefine Mutzenbacher. Translated by Benedict Urlaub. Defenestration Press, 2013. (172 pages.) ISBN 978-1-4943-1675-4
- NOTE: A censored, rewritten translation where the protagonist starts off 18 years old.
- 2018α. Josephine Mutzenbacher or The Life Story of a Viennese Whore as Told by Herself. Translation by Hilary E. Holt and Anonymous. Illustrated e-book. Privately published, 2018.
- NOTE: An edited version of Hilary E. Holt’s translation, using segments from the 1931 Obelisk Press edition as well.
- 2018β. Josefine Mutzenbacher or The Story of a Viennese Wench, as Told by Herself. Illustrated Deluxe Edition. Translated by Ilona J. Hämäläinen-Bauer. Helsinki, Books on Demand, 2018. (212 pages.) ISBN 978-952-80-0656-5 || cover || title page
- NOTE: This edition presents the first unabridged translation into English, with a short afterword by the translator. For the first time, this version includes the original preface plus illustrations from 1922, erroneously dated to 1906. Only sold in 2019.
- 2018γ. Josefine Mutzenbacher or The Story of a Viennese Wench, as Told by Herself. [Unillustrated paperback.] Translated by Ilona J. Hämäläinen-Bauer. Helsinki, Books on Demand, 2018. (200 pages.) ISBN 978-952-80-0655-8
- NOTE: This budget edition presents the unabridged text of the Deluxe Edition, but the illustrations are excluded. (Sold out in 2022. Reprinted in 2023 by Lukunoja.)
- 2019. Josephine Mutzenbacher or The Story of a Viennese Whore, as Told by Herself. New York, ISHI Press International, 2019. (192 pages.) ISBN 978-4-87187-139-6
- Swedish 1965. Josephine, kärlekstös från Wien. [Presumed translator Bengt Anderberg.] All världens pornografi, 1. Malmö, Corniche, 1965. (206 pages.) || cover || title page || backcover
- NOTE: Illustrated with random erotic photographs which have nothing whatsoever to do with the story.
- 1983. Felix Salten (?): Josefine, en tonårssköka. Stockholm, Elephant press, 1983. (112 pages.) ISBN 91-7074-035-6 || front cover || back cover
- NOTE: Incomplete translation — excludes the end, pages 232–383 (that is, circa ⅖), of the original edition. Published together with Flossie, a Venus of Fifteen by A. C. Swinburne, with a page numbering of its own (70 pages). Book illustrated with random pictures. Incorrect ISBN 91-7074-034-8 given on the title page.
- 2009. Felix Salten: Josefine Mutzenbacher: En wienerhoras historia, berättad av henne själv. Revidering av 1965 års anonyma översättning av C.-M. Edenborg, Anna Holmström och Billie Lindahl. Efterord av C.-M. Edenborg. Vertigos erotiska klassiker, 10. Stockholm, Vertigo, 2009. (257 pages.) ISSN 1653-1485. ISBN 978-91-85000-63-0 || cover || title page
- NOTE: The first complete and accurate rendering into this language, revised from the 1965 version.
- Finnish 1966–1967. Josephine: Wieniläisen ilotytön oma kuvaus lapsuudestaan 1–2. Suomennos N. Erola. Borås [Sweden], Amber förlag, 1966–1967. (239 pages.) || cover of vol. 2 || title page of vol. 2 || comparison
- NOTE: A poor and partially inauthentic rendering, ridden by errors. With two exceptions, the chapter division and chapter titles are copied from the 1965 Swedish translation, as well as some solutions to translation issues. In general, however, the poverty of this rendering in indigenous; there are not only omissions but additions, too, in which the translator gives vent to his or her moral indignation. — The Volume 1 contains approximately the first chapter of the original work, and Volume 2, the second chapter.
- 1975. Josefine Mutzenbacher: Wieniläisen ilotytön tarina 1. Suomentanut Risto Lehmusoksa englanninkielisestä laitoksesta Oh! Oh! Josephine: Volume One. Jyväskylä, Gummerus, 1975. (203 pages.) ISBN 951-20-1018-6 || covers of vols. 1 & 2 || backcover of vol. 1 || comparison
- NOTE: This edition replicates all the errors and mistakes and censorship present in the 1973 U.K. edition, Oh! Oh! Josephine, from which this edition was translated (i.e., not directly from German language). The second volume, Wieniläisen ilotytön tarina 2, is actually a translation of Meine 365 Liebhaber, but this fact is not stated in the book (nor in the U.K. edition).
- 2019α. Josefine Mutzenbacher eli wieniläisen porton tarina omin sanoin kerrottuna. Kuvitettu juhlajulkaisu. Suomennos Ilona J. Hämäläinen-Bauer. Jälkisanat C.-M. Edenborg [2009] ja Ilona J. Hämäläinen-Bauer [2019]. Helsinki, Books on Demand, 2019. (245 pages.) ISBN 978-952-80-0778-4 || cover || title page || comparison
- NOTE: The first complete translation into this language, now with original chapter and paragraph division. Illustrations from 1922 included, erroneously dated to 1906. Edenborg’s afterword comes from the 2009 Swedish edition. Also a second afterword by the Finnish translator, with a 10-page comparison of the 1966 & 1975 Finnish translations with the original German text. — This Deluxe Edition was only sold in 2019.
- 2019β. Josefine Mutzenbacher eli wieniläisen porton tarina omin sanoin kerrottuna. Suomennos Ilona J. Hämäläinen-Bauer. [Second, revised edition.] Helsinki, Books on Demand, 2019. (213 pages.) ISBN 978-951-568-293-2 || cover
- NOTE: This unillustrated paperback (budget edition) excludes the afterwords and the drawings, but presents the full text of the novel itself.
- Danish 1967. En wienerskøges historie fortalt af hende selv. Oversat fra tysk af Arne Herløv Pedersen efter “Josephine Mutzenbacher”. [Illustrated.] København, Stig Vendelkærs Forlag, 1967. (208 pages.)
- Dutch 1968. De Weense deerne. Vert. uit het Duits en bew. naar Nederlandse normen Selma Marée. Amsterdam, Joachimsthal, 1968. (199 pages.)
- 1981. Het leven van een Weense hoer door haarzelf verteld. Vert. door Thomas Graftdijk, met een nawoord van M. van Amerongen. Amsterdam, De Arbeiderspers, 1981. (388 pages.) ISBN 90-295-3208-4
- NOTE: Contains “Mijn leven” and “Mijn 365 minnaars.”
- Hebrew 1971. זכרונות נערת רחוב וינאית → Zkhrvnvt n‘rt rchvv vnt. Tel Aviv, Eros, 1971. (192 pages.)
- 1998. זכרונותיה של יצאנית וינאית → Zkhrvnvth shl tznt vnt. [Translation by Shlomo Bartov.] Hod Hasharon, Astrologer, 1998. (176 pages.)
- Spanish 1975. Memorias de Josephine Mutzenbacher. Traducción por Paul J. Gillette. México, Editores Americanos, 1975. (205 pages.)
- NOTE: Actually a Spanish translation of Gillette’s edited version, translated from English.
- 1979. Josephine Mutzenbacher: La historia de la vida de una prostituta vienesa. Traducido por Máximo Loizu. Barcelona, Rosicler, 1979. (219 pages.) ISBN 84-85322-07-X
- NOTE: Actually a Spanish translation of the 1931 Obelisk Press edition, translated from English.
- 1991. Josefine Mutzenbacher: Historia de una prostituta vienesa. Traducción por Judith Vilar Roca. Barcelona, Tusquest Editores, 1991. ISBN 84-7223-380-4 || cover
- 2015. Josefine Mutzenbacher, la historia de una prostituta vienesa. Traducido por Alejandra Mendoza Zacarías. [E-book.] Defenestration Press, 2017. ISBN 978-1-633-39788-0
- NOTE: Actually a censored version of the 1991 Spanish translation by Roca, in which, similarly as in the 2013 English edition, the protagonist starts off 18 years old.
- Japanese 1977. ペピの体験 → Pepi no taiken. Translation: Mitsuhiko Ashikaga. Fujimi Roman Bunko Publishing Group, 1977. (414 pages.) ISBN 4-8291-2004-5
|| cover
- NOTE: Renamed as “Pepi’s experience.”
- French 1979. Josefine Mutzenbacher: Histoire d’une fille de Vienne racontée par elle-même. Traduite par Jean Launay. Paris, Mercure de France, 1979. ISBN 2-7152-0096-X
- Italian 1991. Josefine Mutzenbacher ovvero La storia di una prostituta viennese da lei stessa narrata. (Biblioteca dell’eros, 18.) Traduzione di Maria Teresa Ferrari. Milano, ES Editrice, 1991. (240 pages.) ISBN 88-85357-18-0
- Polish 1992. Josefina Mutzenbacher: Przedwczesne romanse dziewczęce czyli Dzieje życia wiedeńskiej dziwki przez nią samą opowiedziane. Polish translation by Matylda Linkowska. Gdynia, Victoria, 1992. (194 pages.) ISBN 83-85522-00-X
- NOTE: A Polish translation of Gillette’s edited version, translated from English.
- Hungarian 2002. Egy kis bécsi kurva emlékezései. Fordította: Tandori Dezső. Budapest, PolgART–NewMark, 2002. (433 pages.) ISBN 963-9306-46-0
- Russian 2004. Жозефина Мутценбахер: История жизни венской проститутки, рассказанная ею самой →
Žozefina Mucenbaher: Istoriâ žizn venskoj prostitutki, rasskazannaâ eû samoj.
Translated by Evgenij Voropaev. St. Petersburg, Институт Соитологии [The Institute of Soitology], 2005. (204 pages.) ISBN 5-9637-0010-8
- Czech 2010. Ze vzpomínek Josefiny Mutzenbacherové. [Anonymous translation.] Praha, Dybbuk, 2010. (159 pages.) ISBN 978-80-74380-35-8
- Estonian 2017. Josephine Muzenbacher: Ühe Viini hoora elulugu. [Anonymous translation.] Maaja, an erotic Web magazine. || full text
File created: 29 November 2016.
Last update: 25 April 2024.