Salten’s Illustrators in Alphabetical Order

This list comprises all over sixty illustrators of Felix Salten’s œuvre mentioned in the Preliminary Bibliography. How to read the listings?

After the name, “Bertle, Hans”, and the double vertical line, you have the publication date of Salten’s original work, “1923α”, as it appears in the Bibliography (in this case meaning Bambi), then, after the slash, the language of the edition, “German”, and after the second slash the first known publication date of the illustration in that language, “1940”. Now, if the illustrations have been used in another-language edition of the same book, the language and date are added in chronological order, following a plus sign, “+Dutch/1949”. If the illustrations have been used in several separate translations in that language, the dates are listed with plus signs as well, “1949+1987”. If the artist has illustrated several books by Salten, they are separated with a bullet “●”. — Corrections and additions are welcome.

(Illustrators who may have worked together with the author are Philipp Arlen, W. E. Baer, Otto Betschmann, Hans Bertle, Ludwig Heinrich Jungnickel, and Walter Linsenmaier.)


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